
Friday, September 20, 2013

Porching - The Fall Tradition in My Neighborhood

Laura Breck
Remember when it drove you a little nutty when people made verbs out of nouns? Now it’s so common, we don’t even question it. In our little neighborhood, everyone around the park has a porch, and in the fall, we take turns inviting neighbors for a Saturday evening get-together. The tradition has come to be called ‘porching.’ Sitting on a porch and chatting while consuming libation. Makes sense, doesn’t it?
As a writer and an editor, the term still makes me a little red-pen-y (my new idiom for ‘needing to circle word with red pen and add a question mark.’)
When an event notice came out this week that the city approved us to have a bonfire near the river bluff, the title had me reaching for my red pen. “We’ll be Bonfiring Sunday!” Okay, the person who sent this is going to hear a few choice grammar rules from me Sunday—whilst I’m marshmallowing and smoreing!
What are your favorite nouns that have become verbs?
Hope you all are great-day-ing!
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  1. I don't know how much I like it, but "couching it" seems to be something I hear around here. Funny post, Laura.

  2. Hahaha, love this post! I actually think it's cool to make verbs out of nouns. You would think my editor persona would cringe, wouldn't you? Sometimes in writing, being a little relaxed and unique is better than being 'proper.' But that can definitely go too far. Hmmm, my fave noun-turned-verb...I don't know that I have one, but I would love to 'porch' with you guys. Sounds like a blast. Maybe 'pajamaing' is my favorite. I think it's self explanatory. :-) Fun post!

  3. This is a fun post. I agree with Alicia, it is cool to make verbs out of nouns. So descriptive. Something else to think about. You are fortunate to have neighbors with porches, Laura. So many these days have decks and keep to themselves. I like couching too.

  4. What a great custom your neighborhood has. Neighbors need to see you to get to know you. I love the porches on old houses. You know, the wrap-around kind with rocking chairs where people sat in the evening and waved to neighbors as they walked by.

  5. Sounds like a wonderful neighborhood! And I love the new verb-alizing of a point. I think it's a product of texting and Twitter, this sudden need to shorten everything. (By the way, I only use proper punctuation in my tweets and texts...just saying.) :-)
