
Friday, August 23, 2013

Vacations of All Sizes and Shapes by Margo Hoornstra

My turn to share about vacations, so here goes.

Pre-marriage, my parents would load my brother and me into the car each and every March for a three or four day drive from Michigan to Florida. We'd go way down the peninsula to Fort Myers Beach or the Keys. Always somewhere on the ocean. Once we arrived, a two bedroom beach house complete with deck would be our home for a month. Sun filled days. Playtime on the beach, sandbars at low tide.

So much to see. So much to explore.

Fast forward a decade or so. One marriage, a couple of super busy careers and a quartet of children.

With our kids, we mixed it up a bit. Took a motor home -- along with my parents -- to Quebec one year. Made some trips out of state to visit family. Did a full range of amusement parks, the kind it takes two or three days to properly enjoy. Sometimes we'd stay in hotels on those trips, most times we camped. Tents when we and the kids were a lot younger. Later an assortment of campers and travel trailers, usually borrowed from family or friends.

So much to see. So much to explore.

Where does the time go? Our kids are grown now and on their own, the jobs served their purpose and are no longer needed. So now what? Lest the high point of our summer becomes putting in new grass seed then watching it grow, it's time to make a change.

We've always enjoyed camping, though these days I need to sleep up off the ground with modern facilities readily available. The 'we should buy a travel trailer' bug bit us recently when our oldest son did just that. Soon after our oldest daughter followed suit. We're confident their younger siblings will fall in line shortly.

Because, you see, we bought one too. Just last week end. A one bedroom - though it supposedly sleeps six - one bathroom, with a large living room and roomy kitchen. Our maiden voyage is this week end. Today, in fact. Yikes! We aren't going far, and family will be with us at the campsite next door. Then we'll try flying solo - if you can call a couple solo.  Short trips at first, expanding their scope as we get more confident.

Future plans are to take our new home southwest to warmer climes this winter.  To the northwest and beyond next Summer. A trip up the eastern seaboard next Fall.

So much to see. So much to explore.

My days to blog here are the 11th and 23rd.

Otherwise, I can be found at:

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  1. You're living my dream, Margo! My husband and I have drooled over "motor homes" for years! We love watching those TV shows with tricked-out RVs too. I'll be thinking of you...let us know how it goes!

  2. Leah, after so much dreaming, it was time for us to act. We are true neophytes here. I will let you know.

  3. We love our camper. We started before my husband retired and have been traveling ever since. Next year we're planning a trip to Alaska- my dream trip. so much to see, so little time.

  4. Barbara, yes. Yes. Alaska. We took a cruise along the Inside Passage a few years ago. Fabulous state. Hmmm. A camping trip. Now I have a dream for my future.

  5. Wow, that thing looks impressive. You'll be living in style on the road. Speaking of which, California is full of amazing things to see. Pack up that baby and come visit!

  6. Jannine, a visit is definitely on our list. It is huge, isn't it? Yikes!

  7. Oh wow, that should be loads of fun. I would love to see the country that way. Hope you put lots of miles and memories on the new motor home.

  8. Alicia, Rhat's the plan! Kind of scary though. New adventures always are!

  9. That puppy is huge! I can't imagine towing it. But what an adventure you'll have. Many adventures, I hope. Have fun, Margo.

  10. Diane,

    Boy do I have stories about our pick up day. Whatever could go wrong did! Adventures it is!
