
Sunday, August 18, 2013

Do Hot Covers Sell Books? by Jannine Gallant

Hot summer nights bring to mind a wealth of images. Some straight out of a romance novel... A couple standing in silhouette on a back lawn, hands clasped as they gaze up at  a star studded sky. Young lovers swimming beneath the moon in a secluded pool, just their heads visible as they look into each other's eyes. Tangled sheets revealing sweat dampened bare legs twined together... Three completely different images. I can picture them all on a book cover. But which one would sell the story?

Call me boring, but I tend to be attracted to scenery covers. A glimpse into the setting of the book. I may be boring, but I am versatile. I'm equally drawn to sweeping landscapes with dramatic mountains or a windswept, wide open plain or a homey scene featuring a back porch complete with a rocking chair. Yawn.

When my first few books were published, this is the type of cover I requested. The artists did add the inset of floating heads in several cases, apparently their attempt to liven things up. I was somewhat unnerved at first, but I got used to them. When my books released, I sat back and waited for my babies to sell. Okay, maybe I didn't just sit. I promoted. I blogged. I tweeted. I bored my friends on Facebook. Still, sales were dismal.

Then something happened that made me rethink my love affair with gorgeous scenery covers. For my cowboy book, Nothing But Trouble, I requested a barnyard scene complete with a bull in the background. The cover artist completely ignored me. When I got my first look at the cover, I nearly had a heart attack. No red barn. No fenced in bull. Instead, a hot cowboy with bulging muscles in an embrace with a very pretty girl. Yikes!

As hot covers go, this one is actually pretty tame. Remember what our mothers called books with bare chested heroes and women in undone dresses? Bodice Rippers. What would my friends and relatives think of this new book? They'd think I write smut, that's what! With trepidation, I boldly set out to promote this new book. And what do you know, it started selling! Okay, maybe not like Nora Roberts sells books, but sales for this one double all my others combined.

Is the story any better? I don't think so. Did I do more promotion? I'm not sure. Maybe. But a year and a half later, I still see a sale or two each week. Not great, but it's something. So, could it be that hot cowboy cover is selling the book? I'm not sure, but when the sequel comes out sometime next year, you can bet I'm going to ask for a good looking man on the front--hold the shirt!

Alright, ladies, let's hear it. Do your books with hot covers sell better? Or is my experience a fluke? What do you want to see on a book cover?

Find all my books with their tame covers on my website, and enjoy the rest of your hot summer nights reading a good book!


  1. You don't have to tell me twice! I have always loved that cover of yours. So much so, I'm going for much of the same with my future works. Hold the shirt! You bet!

  2. Not sure what I like, Jannine, since I've bought books with all types of covers. In truth, while a cover might catch my interest, it's the blurb and sometimes an excerpt that'll get me to buy.

    For my own covers, I've had scenery covers and couples covers. But my scenery covers always have at least a sillouette of a couple or a face hovering above the scenery. But I don't really see a difference in sales, despite the differing covers. I think I do like my covers showing a couple, especially in period clothing. But that doesn't seem to help sell books, so I've gravitated to wanting couples embracing and my latest cover shows the couple from the shoulders up with no sign of any clothing. lol

    We'll see how that one does. The release won't be until 2014.

  3. Thanks, Margo. "Hold The Shirt" might be my new motto!

  4. Susan, sounds like your latest book will be a true test of the theory. You'll have to let us know if your sales on this one are better. I do agree about the blurb - that's what sells me. But maybe it's the cover that gets us to virtually pick up the book to read that blurb!

  5. Hot covers most definitely sell. But authors have to be careful. Hot covers mean hot content. For my PG-13 books, readers would be misled with a hot cover. lol
    -R.T. Wolfe

  6. That is definitely an awesome cover, Jannine! I have to admit, my TWRP title has a sexy cover. I asked for it and she did exactly what I asked. I love the cover, I think it suits the story. And I wanted a sexy cover for exactly that reason--I was hoping it would sell more books. But I'm finding readers are expecting the sexy cover to mean a sexy (aka erotic) book and I'm getting a lot of flack for it not being one.

    Out of my three books, the sexier books go first, every time. I have a book with a family type cover. I adore it, but isn't my worst seller.'s the one with the best review average. Funnily enough, my absolute best seller so far is the one with a fully dressed man on the cover. It's the hero, wearing his black leather jacket, and his motorcycle.'s getting the worst reviews. Go figure.

    Fantastic topic, Jannine. I look forward to reading the replies, to see what everyone else has found!

  7. RT and Joanne, you both make an excellent point. Hot covers lead to expectations of hot content. So, maybe you can't go too hot if the book doesn't deliver?

  8. Awesome cover! While a great cover will catch my eye, I need to be drawn in by the blurb or first couple pages to buy the book.

  9. Thanks Barbara. I agree, but without that great cover, would you even notice the book to read the blurb?

  10. Really like that cover, Jannine. With my sci-fi rom books, I wanted no doubt as to the genre so my covers have spaceships. Since those books are self-pubbed, I had a lot of input on the cover. I'm anxious to see what the cover for my romantic suspense from TWRP will look like.

  11. One thing I forgot. In my opinion, the book inside that fabulous cover does not disappoint.

  12. I'm first attracted by the title, then I glance at the cover, but only in passing on my way to the blurb. If the blurb interests me, I look at the front cover on my way to the first page or two. Then I flip back to the cover and if the image speaks to me, I'll probably buy the book. No cover on its own, no matter how sexy, will get me to buy if the story isn't an attention grabber.

    That said, you've got a great title and your cover is gorgeous!! I hope you see big sales.

  13. Spaceships do say sci-fi! LOL It is key to have the cover reflect the genre, Diane. With my self-pubbed suspense books, it was hard to find models that didn't look too happy if you know what I mean.

    Thanks, Margo. I do have a thing for my hero in that book!

  14. I agonize over titles, too, Ashantay. Guess that's time well spent! Glad you like mine.

  15. You know how much I love covers! LOL As a reader, a good cover attracts me to read the blurb - which ultimately determines the purchase. I do think sexy covers are selling well these days, but so many of them say absolutely nothing about the story or setting. I'm getting really bored by naked male torsos - not something I ever thought I'd say!

  16. A great cover draws me in first before I even think of looking at the blurb. So I have to say great covers do sell books, but of course everyone has their own taste in what they believe is a fantastic cover.

  17. LOL Alison. I actually prefer the open shirt to the full male torso - leaves a hint of mystery!

  18. Michelle - Probably a good thing we all have different tastes!

  19. Jannine - all your covers are great but Nothing But Trouble? Well - let's just say drool-worthy! Definite addition to the TBR pile.
    I'd say the cover and title combined are a real boost to sales - my ebook, The No Sex Clause, a relatively mild story -outsold any of my other books in the first few weeks after oublication. Thinking of trying to work the word 'sex' into all my titles...:-) Advertisers tell us that sex sells, and we are romance writers, yes?

  20. Should add my comment about putting sex in every title was tongue in cheek! I think the title and/or the cover, followed by the blurb, are important in getting people to read. And, of course, producing a really good book is what keeps them coming back for more!

  21. Glenys, The No Sex Clause has got to be one of the most attention grabbing titles ever! And your cover for that book is great. Think of it this way - no false advertising. It does say NO SEX. LOL
