
Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Fantasy? Why not?

by Jena Galifany


[fan-tuh-see, -zee] noun, plural fan·ta·sies, verb, fan·ta·sied, fan·ta·sy·ing. noun
1. imagination, especially when extravagant and unrestrained.
2. the forming of mental images, especially wondrous or strange fancies; imaginative conceptualizing.
3. a mental image, especially when unreal or fantastic; vision: a nightmare fantasy.
4. Psychology . an imagined or conjured up sequence fulfilling a psychological need; daydream.
5. a hallucination. 
(Courtesy of
Okay, now we have the dictionary description of Fantasy. I particularly enjoy number one. 
Imagination. The beginning of all fantasy writing is imagination. It is the "what if" and the "how about" that live in our mind just behind the reality of life that we are forced to live with.  It is seeing things in a new and different way. It's believing that the world could be so much better, so much richer, so much more to ones own liking. 
Extravagant. Absolutely. Everything about fantasy should be extravagant. The characters should all be over the top in looks, elegance, riches, abilities and even evil. The men should be everything a man can be, according to the writers' whims. So hot you can get a sun tan by standing too near. So hot, to actually be in physical contact with could leave his brand on your soul. The women are no slouches either. Perfect build, perfect hair, make-up, eye color, skin tone and attitude. 

Unrestrained. Wow! That opens the doors to almost anything the heart desires. That man you always wanted to get your hands on? He's yours for the taking. He'll do anything and everything to please you. There are no consequences to your actions. There will never be a negative to your positive. No accidents, no back-lash. Absolute freedom of personal expression. 

Can you imagine this kind of freedom in your lifetime? It can happen when you write. It's all right there, at your fingertips. Find a keyboard and start with a small expression of your own fantasy. Build a character that you'd love to work with. One that you'd love to be, for that matter. After all, you are your characters. You are in their head, thinking their thoughts, living their lives, and leading them in the direction you want them to go. 
In fantasy, you can add magic, dragons, flowers and Fae to help your characters along. There are not longer limits to the world of fantasy. It can be crossed with other genres. How about this idea?

Boy meets Girl with a stick. Dragon grabs Girl. Boy hunts Dragon. Boy finds Dragon with Girl with a stick. Boy battles Dragon. Dragon flame broils Boy. Girl rolls eyes and points stick at Dragon. Girl flame broils Dragon and invites the village to a feast. Village roasts Girl at stake because Dragon tasted just like liver. The End.

Well, it needs a little work. I can fill in a few more details and add some clever dialogue but you get the idea. Fantasy can be a fun way to pass the time and is one of the most popular genres on the market. If you haven't tried it yet, I suggest you give it a shot. It can lift your spirits, even if you write it strictly for yourself. 
I wrote about a fantasy man, Velcon, in 1979. In 1989, I met him and we've been married since 1990. I've told you about Steve before so I won't bore you with the details again. I have a manuscript that I wrote in 1979 that needs a good going over. It is a fantasy. It's titled "The Ice Child" and some day I will publish it. Then the world will know more about Velcon Vespersley and his lady love, Jena' Galifany. Yes, that is where I got my author name.
Excerpt from "The Ice Child" 

After traveling what seemed like miles, the party came to the maze. Velcon kept himself between Cavoth and Devlin as well as having Caleth by his side. It was more simple to keep the mystery person from the child with the child in the lead with Alverian. Velcon decided that the next time they came to an outer door, he could be ready to free Dawnia and Jena from their current condition. All that was required was a little timing, some help from Caleth and Devlin, and a lot of luck, mixed with a few spells. Telepathy would have to be employed to tell Caleth and Devlin what to do as, chances were, he wouldn't get the opportunity to speak with them alone. Simple, right?

Velcon wondered why Cavoth hadn’t taken them all under mind possession. Why hadn’t he noticed the relic Devlin found? But, then, maybe he had. He tried once to take her. Velcon had to travel back to Gaelfar, if only for a split-second, for the components for the spells needed to free the women.

Velcon though about the maze as they entered it. This would be a good time to go. He quickened his steps and came up beside Alverian and Devlin. Velcon concentrated to gain Alverian‘s attention. "After I pass you, walk behind her, following her footsteps."
Alverian dropped back as Velcon walked ahead. Velcon's long strides quickly carried him forward until he put some distance between them.

Alverian paced Devlin's steps to stay between Cavoth and the youngest member. Suddenly, Velcon spun around, and threw blue-black handfuls of light over the entire party. His six companions stopped in their tracks, suspended in mid-motion. With a long look at Jena, Velcon filled his hands once again with the blue-black mist and poured it over himself. His destination: Gaelfar.

* * * *

The shop keeper never quite got used to his customers popping in and out as they pleased. He lost more stock that way. Magic users and thieves were always showing up just long enough to take what they wanted and disappear without paying for it. The sudden appearance of a person somewhat unnerved the small man.

Lithmar was glad to see that the day came to a close, when he could ward his store and retire upstairs with his family to enjoy the privacy and quiet. Only moments to go and his dream would became reality.

"And why not close a few moments early. The day has brought a good income already. What is a few more moments going to matter?" He jumped from his tall stool, and stepped around the end of the counter, starting toward the door. His steps were halted by a blue black cloud of shimmering air, followed by the appearance of one of his best customers suddenly standing before him.

"The mighty Velcon." He clapped his hands with delight. He took Velcon by the arm and firmly held him. "Welcome, my friend. Come and have mead with me. I was just closing up..."

Velcon returned Lithmar's welcome with a quick smile and, releasing the little man's arm, stepped around him. "I must have supplies. Dawnia and Jena, their lives depend upon my haste. Here." He moved from one shelf to the next, Lithmar following him from aisle to aisle. "Take these things to the counter. I know the others would most likely have them but I must be sure." Velcon handed several items to Lithmar, a small piece of iron, a vial of pure water, a string of chanting beads, and various other items.

"Spell components, I see. Bad, is it? Dawnia and Jena? Did Jena try for another black stone?"

Velcon wasn't listening as he grabbed this way and that for any item which might come in handy.

Lithmar frowned at Velcon‘s distraction. "Well, I am sure that when you have more time, you will explain it all to me. Don't worry about that," Lithmar told Velcon as he reached for his pouch of gold coins. "I'll remember what you owe when you have more time and I have a shortage of funds, my friend."

Velcon offered an appreciative smile. "I wish I had time for that mead. It would do me well. But, if I fail, the bill may just have to be forgotten on this plane of existence. If so, I will pay you in the next. Fare well, my friend." Velcon was gone as suddenly as he had appeared, his purchases with him.

Lithmar thought to himself, "Velcon, I can trust but I surely wish he would use the door once in a while."

Fantasy can take you anywhere, at any time, you want to go. I hope you've enjoyed this little piece of the first book I ever attempted to write. With a bit of luck, "The Ice Child" may make it to publication some day. That's just another one of my fantasies.

Jena Galifany


  1. One genre I've never considered writing is fantasy. Maybe I'm too grounded in reality. Maybe my imagination isn't that creative! Sounds like fun, though, Jena.

  2. I would love to have the imagination to write fantasy. I'm amazed and awed by the worlds and characters some authors create. I have trouble thinking that big!

  3. I guess I'm just not that good at reality. LOL


  4. Village broils girl? hehe hope they all got heartburn.
