
Friday, July 12, 2013

Facebook, France and Fortuitous Conversatons

--By Vonnie Davis

July is the month of "F" here at Roses of Prose. After all, July is synonymous with fireworks, flowers and freakish storms ravaging the countryside. I've been reading everyone's posting with growing apprehension. I mean, how would I carry on the theme in an interesting way? One has to keep up appearances, right? Or at least, amble ahead with this month's awesome alliteration. Are you ready to Forge ahead with me? Sorry, I couldn't resist.

Facebook is a place we writers go to promote our books and build our following. But it can also be a place to garner story ideas. Do you ever take note of some of the things people say in their posts? There's such rich fodder there. Take my husband's nephew for example. Pete posted that his two German Shepherds were sprayed by skunks and in doing online research to see what worked to remove the stench, he found results where Massengill douche was recommended. Well, I laughed out loud. Then a scene flashed through my demented mind. A man rushes into a drug store and asks where the douches are shelved. He rambles about his girls smelling horrible. The cashier thinks he's talking about the women he's dating and gets angry. But of course he's talking about his dogs. A humorous dialogue ensues. Thank you, Facebook.

As writers, we are always waiting for story ideas to come to us or in pursuit of them.

In September, Calvin and I are traveling to Paris for two weeks before flying to Berlin to visit with his son and daughter-in-law. We love Paris and plan to sit at cafés, write and watch the constant stream of humanity pass by. I have a couple story ideas I want to set there and plan to take a gazillion pictures of the city so I can get my descriptions accurate. One of the stories has a hero who is an American jazz saxophone player who travels to Paris after World War I, during the era of The Lost Generation.

While having lunch with my agent, I was rattling on about my story ideas I wanted to research while in Paris. She jotted down some notes. A week later, she was on the phone with an editor asking her what types of stories she was looking for, romances in particular. The editor gave her a run-down. One item on her list was historical romance set around the turn of the century in unusual locations. Dawn remembered our conversation--our fortuitous conversation--and told the editor about my idea. She said she'd be interested in looking at it once I had it written. No promises, of course, but at least she was intrigued by the idea. And that slight possibility excites me.

Vonnie Davis writes most sub-genres of romance. Her website is

Book one of her Red Hand Conspiracy is set in Paris. An American travels to the City of Light to celebrate her 40th birthday and unwittingly foils a terrorist's bombing attack in the Salon Carre where the Mona Lisa is housed. The French Counterterrorism Unit puts her in the protection of a handsome younger French government agent. Sparks fly as they run for their lives through the streets of the Left Bank.



  1. No name at the top and I knew it was you Vonnie. Entertaining post. Best of luck with all of it. Enjoyed myself!

  2. Ooops! I forgot that part. Guess I better go add it, huh? LOL I'm glad you enjoyed it.

  3. Can I hide in your luggage? I took years of French in school (don't remember any of it but that's beside the point) and I still haven't made it to Paris yet. One of these days. I'll look at your pictures and sigh. Thanks for the amusing drug store image. LOL

  4. Nice incentive to write, although I doubt you need much. I'd like to read it, too.

  5. I love Paris, Jannine. We've rented a little apartment to heighten the experience. I'll have lots of pics.

  6. You're right, Barb, I love writing. It's what I do. It's easier on my old knees than gardening.

  7. You're so right, Vonnie! We have to be on the lookout for those types of prompts everywhere! Paris sounds like heaven. :-)

  8. When people ask where I get my ideas, I just tell them to look inside my brain. So many hang in there like cobwebs.
