
Friday, June 7, 2013

A wedding? I'm out of the loop by Barbara Edwards

Weddings have changed since I got married.
For example, several months ago I received this:
Beautiful bride
Handsome groom
Booze, food &
Bad dance moves
Save the date!
Plus the date and place
Don't I look young?
Well, okay. Since this is my first grandchild to get married, I put it on my calendar with the hope of a follow-up call. Unh Uh.  Look at that: it’s on a long holiday weekend.
They are posting on Facebook. I’m not on Facebook anymore. I have enough trouble posting to my writing personae page.
And texting. Hmm. I don’t have texting on my phone.
Understand this does keep me out of the family gossip loop, but preserves my sanity. Although I love my family dearly, I can’t learn one more skill or spend the time reading frivolous stuff. I know I’m supposed to jump on this wagon, but I barely have the time to write without the extra input.
I’m sure they have their name on some list at a nice store so they don’t get duplicate presents. What a nice thing I don’t plan to give them something they expect. Hehe.
Next came the casual mention from another grandchild about the bridal shower. Only it’s not a bridal shower. It’s a His and Her party. At least its here in this state. On another long holiday weekend.
Did I mention the wedding is a thousand miles away although the Bride’s family lives within a hundred miles?
I don’t want to get into the logistics. It is their wedding. Their special day is at a lovely place with extensive gardens. They are planning to have the ceremony timed so they say their vows at sunset. A beautiful idea and one that will make me cry as I listen.
They asked me to write a blessing for them. I guess I can read it without choking up. I hope.
I’m sure I’ll be posting more about this wedding on my blog.
Maybe a photo. One.

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  1. I'm sure you'll get choked up. Isn't that what grandmas do? Sounds like it's going to be fun, Barbara.

  2. I've always thought weddings should reflect the couple, not some staid society edicts. Yay them for having the courage to make their day memorable. I'll be eager to hear more as the date approaches. And I have to tell you, I love the little rhyme they sent out...too cool...or is cool showing my age?

  3. Cool post, Barbara. (My age too, huh?) Sounds like it's going to be beautiful and unique. Cry all you want. You're entitled.

  4. Hi Jannine,
    I do expect it to be fun. My family won't allow anything else.

  5. Hi Vonnie,
    I don't know about the age thing. I am finding it enlightening to hear their different plans.

  6. Hi Margo,
    Yep, we're in the same generation. I'm bringing a supply of tissues.
