
Friday, April 12, 2013

"It's time," Agent Lady said.

As humans, we enjoy being comfortable. Routines help keep us ensconced in our comfort zones. For me, part of my writer comfort arena is my publisher. I can't say enough good things about them. I've been treated well at this small ePublisher. Even so, the thought niggles at the back of my mind:  Am I good enough to attract the interest of a larger house?

Call it ego. Call it ambition. Call it being in need of stronger validation, but I am finally listening to my agent. "It's time," she claims. "Time for you to allow me to 'shop out' your books instead of automatically submitting it to the place where you feel safe."

" know I don't handle rejection well." I chewed on a hang nail, a nervous gesture.

Her hand came up and pushed my hand away from my mouth. "Put on your big girl bloomers and deal with the rejection. If one publisher doesn't like your stories, another one will. You've gotten stronger."

"Stronger? Has my deoderant petered out? " I sniffed at my armpit.

"Don't play that dumb act with me." She turned her glass around and around on the table while she glared in my direction.

Agents. They can be so bossy. They can also be a best friend, which she is. So, I opened myself up to the possibilies Dawn might help bring my way and sighed. "Okay."

I revamped my Christmas chapters I'd shared here, changed my characters and added another 30,000 words. We submitted it to Carina's Christmas submission extravaganza. Those chosen for thier holiday stories will be notified on the 15th of this month--in 3 days, not that I'm counting. I've opened myself to the possibilies. Granted they may well include rejection, but we've got plan B and plan C in place. Wish me luck.

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  1. Vonnie, Consider yourself wished the very best of luck. You are a very talented writer, you know.

  2. I'm cheering for you, Vonnie. Since I'm in the same mode and scared about the rejection, I can totally understand where you're coming from!

  3. Am I the only one who just shrugs over rejection and moves on? I must have gotten really good at it over the years! LOL Wishing you all the best with this new adventure. We all need to spread our wings, if you'll pardon the cliche!

  4. Vonnie - got my fingers crossed for you!You're ready for the next step - your writing says so!

  5. Vonnie,
    Dawn's right. It's time to venture out there. I can't wait to read that story in a more "fleshed out" form.

  6. Thanks so much, Margo. The kind word of others means so much.

  7. Brenda, when do you think we'll grow thick skin? We learn our craft, write to our best ability and yet still allow self-doubt to criple us. Why? Because we fear hearing we aren't good enough. Although our minds tell us it's only one editor's opinion, we still latch onto the "no" with painful fingers.

  8. Oh, Jannine, I love cliches. LOL Yup, I smile everytime I see one, but then I'm wierd like that. Silly, wierd and scared to step outta my comfort zone.

  9. Thanks, Glenys. I hope I am, too. Agent Lady says so...

  10. Thanks Alison. Opening sentence: Her new neighbor was a man-whore.

  11. Congrats for taking that step, Vonnie! And you ARE that good. It's only a matter of time before someone snatches you up! Fingers crossed!

  12. Thanks for the vote of confidence, Joanne. Self-doubt can be a crippler, can't it?

  13. Okay, I just realized something. We've got this totally sewn up, my friend. April 15th? Pffft. That's the same day Jezebel's Wish was released...TWO YEARS AGO??? the heck did that happen? Wow. Anyway, my point is that day is special, and NOT because it's tax day. Yep. I gotcha covered. Expect that contract call Monday morning!! Whoot!

  14. I'm on the wishing you luck train with everyone else, but you don't really need luck. You just need to remember how good you are. I'm with Jannine. You can't please everyone. Screw em, if they don't know genius when they read it. :-) If you believe in your story, we all know it's a winner.

  15. I remember when Jezebel's Wish came out. Two years? Really? How time flies when you're in the writing cave. Thanks for covering my back, hon.

  16. Thanks Mac! I don't think I qualify for the genius level, I keep busy striving for competant or would that be competent? Ack!

  17. I've got everything crossed for you, Vonnie. Not that you need it. You write stories other writers would kill to write. Now, I'm going to need that bottle of champagne ...what did I do with that?

  18. Aren't you sweet, Dixie?!! Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment. I'll gladly provide the champagne.

  19. Vonnie, you're so funny! Good luck with the submission. No matter what the outcome of the latest big step, just keep plugging away. My wonderful agent says "Everything happens when it's supposed to." I believe she just may be right.
    She's a wise woman :-)
    Great post!

  20. Oh, I'm for sure cheering you on, Vonnie! Can't you hear me all the way from California? No? Well I guess I'll have to yell a little louder. You're gonna do it and if not now then soon. I can feel it. As Dawn says, my fingers are itching.

  21. Thanks, Sharon. Yes, our Dawn is very wise. Still, putting myself out there again is a tad scary.

  22. I hear you, Patti. As my sons used to grumble when I'd overhear them plotting and planning something they weren't supposed to be doing, "She's got that Mother hearing." Thanks for stopping by and offering words of encouragement.

  23. Good for you! Increasing your reach and stepping outside your comfort is never easy, but you'll totally rock this. I know you will.

    Good luck! :)
