
Saturday, August 11, 2012

Meet One of My First

Hero Greg Novak is a wayward husband in Forgotten Alliance, the short story that began my publishing career with The Wild Rose Press.

Greg initially came to be at a very difficult time in his life. Married to the woman of his dreams Sarah for twenty years now, when their story begins, she has just discovered he’s cheated on her. And it’s the infamous other woman who has come out to tell her so. After Greg learns what’s been done, he can’t bring himself to go home right away and stops off to confide in an old friend.

What does this mean for you now?

It means I stand to lose everything I’ve ever held dear, Sarah and our four kids. The reasons I get out of bed every day. (Blows out a grief laden breath) To be honest, it hurts too much to think about post break up scenarios. Can we talk about something else?

How long did you and Sarah know each other before you got engaged?

All of our lives, it seems. Though it was really only a couple of years. She moved to our little town from Indianapolis when we were both in high school. We went together off and on, mostly because I was the dumb jock who thought he wanted to play the field.

Apparently old habits die hard.

You got that right. You’d think at my age, just turned forty, I would have known better with this—this—

Extra marital affair?

It doesn’t even deserve to be called that.


What I did. Spent some time with a co-worker. Look, her initial advances were great for my self-esteem, then you could say testosterone charged pride paved the way for shameless curiosity. And I never even, uh, finished what I started.

All that and you didn’t, never mind. So now what?

I go home and pack my bags.

What if your wife doesn’t tell you to leave?

You think there’s a chance of that?

Truthfully, probably not. How did this come about?

Sarah and I had, make that have a good marriage. As far as I’m concerned. Except we grew apart.

Even you know that’s a pretty lame excuse.

Yeah. Maybe. But, it’s true. The kids, her job, her friends, I kept getting moved further and further down to the bottom of her list of priorities.

Could she say the same about you and your priorities?

She could, but she wouldn’t.

Think you stand a chance to repair the damage?

It’ll take a long time to regain her trust. If it takes forever. I’m there.

Let’s move on to happier times for you two. What did you think the first time you saw her?

Her beauty hit me when we were first introduced. Sucker punched me really. Big gorgeous eyes, long silky hair and a figure shown off by the sexy way she rolled her hips when she walked.

What do you think she thought of you—at first?

She once told me her first impression of me was an all-confidence-and-strength strut-down-the-hall senior football player. She said she initially bought into the macho performance, until she looked close enough to discover a sensitive, caring person beneath. It’s funny, you know. She once said she didn’t expect the (air quotes here) senior football player to give the new girl a second look. I was instantly head over heels love struck but never expected her to give me a second glance either. We were both so terribly wrong.

Sounds to me like you’re talking about more than the time you two first met.

Sarah truly was—is—all I need in life. Why is it so damned difficult for her to see that?

You’d have to ask her that question, not me. But, as I said before, now what?

(Wipes his eyes and stands up) I am so sorry about what I’ve done. I will do anything not to lose our marriage. But that decision isn’t mine. It’s Sarah’s. So I guess I’ll go home now and stay as long as she lets me.

Forgotten Alliance and many other short stories, three for free, are available on my author page at The Wild Rose Press. Or through my website and blog at and


  1. Wow, Margo, Greg is a hero with some depth. At least he knows he blew it! I'm going to have to check this out to see if Sarah forgives him.

  2. Margo, you really bring the realism to this kind of situation. Congrats on that kind of in depth writing.

  3. Jannine and Brenda,

    Wow, such high praise. Thank you both so much. Yeah, Greg is kinda special to me, being my first and all. And I sure did make him suffer (wink, wink), Jannine.
