
Saturday, April 14, 2012

Movie Group

I'm all for date nights with the husband, but often there are movies I want to see that I wouldn't dream of making my man sit through. The Twilight Saga, for example. Now, I read all the books like in a span of two weeks. Devoured them. I know I'm not a teen, but shucks, Meyers reeled me with her vampires and werewolves, and I was powerless to stop it. Team Jacob, btw. All the way.

The notion that my husband, or any man I know for that matter, would actually sit for multiple hours in a theater predominately surrounded by teenagers is just preposterous. Not going to happen. Wouldn't dream of asking.

So what's a gal to do?

Form a movie group! I found that there were other women in the same boat as me. They wanted to see movies that they just knew their husbands or boyfriends would roll their eyes through from start to finish. Assuming they could even get their men into the theater that is. We could go by ourselves, but what fun is going to the movies if you're alone? None.

So we formed a group. Whenever a movie comes out that doesn't appear to be manly enough for our significant others, we go as a group of ladies. So far we've seen quite a few films together, the latest being The Hunger Games, which was absolutely fabulous. In just watching the previews before this movie, we've already made plans to see Dark Shadows (love us some Johnny Depp even if he looks kind of Edward Scissorhands as a vampire), and of course, the final Twilight movie comes out in November so that's on the agenda. Have to see how Bella fares as a vamp. (Yeah, we are a bit obsessed with vampires. Many of us watch Vampire Diaries and True Blood faithfully as well, and many of us do so while the husbands are doing something else to again avoid the eye-rolling and snarky comments.)

I think we ought to have T-shirts made for our movie group. Something that says, "Cut the Men a Break. Leave 'Em at Home." They do so much for us. Dragging them to a movie they will want to have scrubbed from their memories with steel wool is just cruel. Besides, better to save the naggy requests for something really important, right?  ;)



  1. Thanks for this good blog post, it has been an interesting read.
    movie tee shirts

  2. What a great idea. My hubby will never forget the time I got him to go to a movie with me (can't recall what movie) and he was the only man in the theater. Really. I need a group!

  3. I couldn't pay my husband to see the Twilight movies. But my daughter and I went to see them all so far, the last couple with my son's girlfriend. I was so looking forward to Dark Shadows, but it looks like it's supposed to be humorous. I loved the series growing up. I love Johnny Depp but I don't know how I feel about laughing at Barnabas...

  4. Sounds like you've found the perfect solution, Chris. Now, if I could just find the time to go see a movie...

  5. I guess I'm different. I grew up at the movies. My father was a projectionist and I was there almost every day. Now, I'll happily wait until it comes out on DVD and my darling hubby will watch with me at home without the eye rolling. We even watched the Twilight series available so far. Steve is such a great guy.
