
Monday, April 2, 2012

American the Beautiful

By Jannine Gallant

One of our April topics is Keep America Beautiful. I feel blessed to live in an incredibly beautiful place – Lake Tahoe. I can walk out my door and hike for miles in the pristine wilderness. The lake is a few minutes walk from my house. It doesn’t get much better than that.

Of course there are drawbacks. When I’m fighting with a four foot high berm left by the snowplow, trying to clear my driveway in a raging blizzard, I tend to forget what a joy it is living in Tahoe. No place is perfect! But after the storm passes, the glistening snow covered world is magical.

When it comes to my writing, I’ve capitalized on the Beautiful America theme. Two of my books are set partially in Tahoe. Maybe This Time features Emerald Bay on the cover, something I specifically asked for from the cover artist.

The balance of the story takes place on the California coast. Our shoreline is truly spectacular, but then I’m a teensy bit biased being a California girl born and bred.

Not one of those SoCal beach babes, mind you. I grew up at the very top of the state in the Redwood Forest. You can’t really do justice to the sheer power of a redwood tree in a photograph. You have to stand beneath one, with your head tilted so far back your neck aches, to appreciate the grandeur of the world’s tallest tree. The thick redwood forest, shrouded in fog, has an eerie feel to it that called to me as a writer.

So I wrote A Deadly Love about a serial killer loose in these woods. This book will be released in August.

I hope you’ve enjoyed the photos of my beautiful corner of America. For more information on my books, please visit my website and blog.


  1. Beautiful blog and beautiful pictures, Jannine. I was at Lake Tahoe once as a child when we took a family vacation about 40 years ago. I've grown up in the high desert of southern California. You have trees, we don't. I'm envious. Cheers!

  2. Hi Jannine!

    Makes my imagination run wild - SO different than my part of the UK. Gorgeous! I'm assuming those two beautiful girls are part of your wonderful family vista? God bless our daughters! :)

    Rachel x

  3. Beautiful part of the world, indeed. So nice to have that as part of your inspiration for writing. Not to mention your adorable girls!



  4. Absolutely beautiful! I have never been to that part of the world, but hope to be soon. Loved seeing the daughters.

    Take care.

  5. Wonderful pictures, Jannine! I love your part of the world. Thursday I'm blogging about the coast with pictures of my favorite place - our places aren't too far apart! LOL

  6. Some beauty to start my morning off on the right foot!

  7. Jena - The high desert has it's own beauty. But, you're right, no trees! I'm definitely a tree person.

    Rachel, Sharon, and Margo - Yes, those are my girls. The photo was taken almost two years ago. They're sitting on the wall of the "tea house," now mostly a pile of rock, out in the middle of Emerald Bay. I read once it's one of the most photographed spots in the world. I think you can see why.

    Alison, I love Big Sur and can't wait to see your pictures. One of these times when you're in CA, we're going to have to get together.

    Glad I got your morning jump-started, Brenda. LOL

  8. Hi Jannine!
    I enjoyed every single one of those pictures. I love Lake Tahoe and don't get there nearly enough. I am also born and raised in California - the southern part - and I love the diversity of our wonderful state (if only we weren't bankrupdt!)

    Thanks for the gorgeous pictures reminding me it's time to visit the redwoods again.

  9. Tahoo loves absolutely gorgeous! So does your new book cover! Have to get to California one day.

  10. Gorgeous pictures! I enjoyed the visit.

  11. Lynne, I don't know of any other place that has the diversity of CA. And it's all beautiful in its own unique way.

    Jerri, If you do visit, I know you won't be disappointed.

    Liz, I'm glad you liked my pictures. My husband gets the credit. I think he took all of them.

  12. Gorgeous Photos! Thanks for sharing. The world is truly beautiful, isn't it?

  13. Oh wow! Thanks for sharing your beautiful pictures. I love the shoreline and rocks one. Lucky you to live where you do now and to have grown up in northern CA. Love those redwoods, too. Great post.

  14. Glenys - you are so right! There is beauty all around us.

    Vonnie - I sorted through a lot of picture files to find just the right ones. Glad you enjoyed them.

  15. Beautiful pictures, Jannine. I've never been to California, but your descriptions certainly make me want to visit.


  16. Waving to Jana,

    Come visit any time. I'd love to meet my online writer friends in person.
