
Sunday, March 18, 2012

Awkward Moments

By Jannine Gallant

Did you know that March 18 is Awkward Moments Day? Neither did I, but when I checked out March’s list of funny observances and saw it there in black and white, I couldn’t resist. Who out there hasn’t had an awkward moment? I know I’ve had my share.

The awkward moment at a party when you pop a whole appetizer in your mouth just as someone asks you a question.

The awkward moment when you say, “Thank you, sir,” and later discover the helpful clerk in the hardware store was a woman.

The awkward moment when you’re introduced to someone and can’t remember their name two minutes later.

The awkward moment when you notice the man you’re talking to didn’t zip it up all the way, but you have no excuse for looking that low.

The awkward moment when you realize no one liked or commented on your last Facebook update.

If you didn’t cringe a little reading these, then you’re far more socially graceful than I am! It also occurred to me that awkward moments play well in fiction. What reader can’t relate when your poor heroine walks out of the bathroom with toilet paper stuck to her shoe? In my most recent book, Bittersweet, there is a scene involving my heroine cooling off in the creek in her chemise when near tragedy strikes. After the commotion is over, she discovers her wet chemise revealed a whole lot more than it covered, and she is unbearably mortified. Even women in 1880 had wardrobe malfunctions. LOL

Let’s hear about your awkward moments – real or fictional. Don’t turn my blog into another awkward moment…

For information on Bittersweet and my other books, check these sites.


  1. Hi Jannine,
    OMG I know exactly what you are saying. Worse than the toilet paper on your shoe, how about coming out of the restroom with the back of your dress caught up in your panties? I have seen this a couple of times, and it isn't pretty, the poor ladies were so embarassed.



  2. How about when you compliment someone for something they've accomplished and you have them confused with someone else? What's the reply to that? "Too bad it wasn't you, huh?"

  3. Mine usually involve sending an email I thought was funny or cute only to realize it was taken as an insult. Sigh. You'd think I'd know better but, sadly, I don't.

  4. Years ago at a work Christmas party, someone (wasn't me, thankfully) asked the wife of a co-worker when she was due. She replied that she'd had the baby a couple of months previously. Ouch!

    I've had my own awkward moments lately. I became friendly with a lady at my yoga class. We chat, but do you think I can remember her name? All my conversations begin with "Hi...there. How are you?" So awkward.


  5. Excellent examples, ladies! I'll admit I'm the absolute worst with names. And the longer you wait to ask, the more embarrassing it gets!

  6. What's tough is when you know someone but you can't remember where you know them. Great post Jannine!

  7. Why am I always a day late? LOL! Oh, I know why. I've been writing in the evenings instead of the mornings. That means I don't read my email until the next day. Mystery solved!

    Worst awkward moments ever for me were sending emails to the wrong people. I hit send all instead of reply to sender. I didn't say anything horrid, thank God, but a third party (not the person I was talking about) decided she needed defending.

    I emailed her and apologized profusely, and she was very gracious and said it had certainly happened to her before as well. Whew!

    Love your posts, even when I read them the next day. :-)

  8. How about this one, Mariposa. You think you know them, so you stare and stare, trying to figure out where you know them from, only to find out they only look like someone you know!

    You aren't late, Regina. I put the notice up last night because I didn't want to get up at the crack of dawn on a Sunday to advertise. LOL Hmmm... you and Vonnie both mention awkward email moments. I can remember a time or two, hitting that send button and then franticly wishing I could take it back!

  9. I'm notorious at forgetting names, and it's getting worse the older I get. And once I had a job applicant come in for an interview who I was certain was female after a phone conversation. When the receptionist told me a young man was there to see me, I said "Oh, no, I'm sure it's a woman." Of course, I was wrong.

  10. Jana,

    You could try asking how she spells her name, hoping it's an unusual one. When I try it though the answer is something like N A N.

  11. That is so funny, Margo, and so true. The universe would conspire to make it an even more awkward moment! There's an old Seinfeld edpisode with Jerry trying to remember a woman's name that he thinks rhymes with a female body part. It didn't have a good end. LOL

  12. Such a great post! Loved it and lived it. I enjoy reading awkward moments. Definately makes the hero and heroine easier to related to.

  13. guilty of forgetting a name one minute after being introduced. it is a curse!

    I once spent an entire day on vacation, visiting people, enjoying dinner out, seeing the sights, etc. with two completely different earrings on. You'd think SOMEONE would have mentioned it????
    Didn't notice until I got back to the hotel that night. cringe.

  14. That's a funny one, Lynne. And earrings aren't like a zipper. You'd think someone would point out the obvious!

    I'm going to have to make a point of putting more awkward moments into my books, Isabella. They definitely make your characters human.

  15. I like to torture my mean characters with awkward moments; like the evil ex-girl friend that eats something that stains her teeth blue.
    In real life, I've spent a few minutes conversing on the telephone with someone before I realize that it's a wrong number.

  16. Thanks for visiting, Sandra. How about when someone calls and assumes you recognize their voice, but you have no clue who you're talking to, so you just pretend you do...

  17. I've had those awkward moments and more. A fun blog.
