
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Guest Debra St. John is The next…

I think every writer dreams of being the next somebody. The next J.K. Rowling, the next Stephenie Meyer, the next Stephen King, the next Nora Roberts.

I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m not going to be the next anyone of those people. For one, I don’t write about teenaged wizards or sparkling vampires (although I do so love to read about them). I definitely don’t write horror. And while I do write romance, I also have a full-time job in another field that prohibits me from being able to crank out half a dozen new full-length novels every year.

Not to mention the fact that these particular people wrote unique (at the time) stories that have already become iconic. They haven’t continued trends, they’ve started trends. I don’t think any idea I have spinning in my head at the moment can be even remotely considered trend setting.

So where does that leave me? Well, it leaves me right where I always wanted to be. As an author. Writing stories that I love. Probably just as those above did at first too. Each wrote a story he/she loved and hoped someone would publish it so others could read it, too. Maybe part of their dream was to be on a best seller list. Or maybe their dreams were as simple as mine: I want to write a book. I want to get it published. I want others to read it.

In that sense, my dream has come true. I’ve written books. I’ve gotten them published. Others have read them. Will I ever be a bestseller? Will my name be known by millions? Will someone someday say, “Gosh, I just wish I could be the next Debra St. John.”? Okay, probably not, but you never know…it could happen.

No one ever knows that the next Big Thing will be. Times change. Tastes change. Trends change. Don’t worry about being ‘the next’. Write the book of your heart. Get it out there in the hands of readers. And…


Here’s the blurb and excerpt from my debut book This Time for Always.


As manager of a local bar, The Corral, Sharlie Montgomery has put the past behind her. That is until Logan Reed walks back into her life, turning her world upside down. His presence brings back painful reminders of the past: the love they once shared, the money he took from her father, and the baby she gave up for adoption.

Logan wants to buy The Corral, and he’s come back to town to prove he’s made it on his own without the Montgomery money. Sparks fly whenever Sharlie and Logan are together. Anger, fear, and jealousy aren’t enough to erase the love they once felt for each other. But is love enough? Logan wants a family—the one thing Sharlie can’t give him.

Logan's strong arm encircled her waist, preventing her from falling.

Sharlie caught her breath as her body pressed against him. She raised her eyes to his.

The anger in his eyes turned to awareness. His breath hitched. The temperature in the tiny room rose.

Logan's gaze roamed every inch of her face, finally coming to rest on her lips.

Her pulse quickened, the beat thundering in her ears. They were so close she could feel the cadence of his heart. She sucked in a gasp of air.

His gaze met hers again. "I've tried to stop thinking about you like this. But I can't."

Sharlie licked dry lips, then cursed inwardly when the action drew his attention there once more. His head lowered.

"Don't," she managed.

"Don't what?" Logan's warm breath caressed her cheek.

"Don't kiss me."

"Why not?"

"Because I don't want you to." Even to her own ears the protest sounded weak.

"Liar," Logan taunted.

"Please," she tried one last time, shaking her head in a vain attempt to deny the feelings coursing through her.

Logan cupped the back of her head, stilling the motion. "I have to." His words melted into a kiss as their lips met.

The gentle insistence of his mouth coaxed a response from her. Her lips parted, allowing the kiss to deepen. Their breath mingled. The moist heat made her knees buckle.

"Don't you remember?" Logan's husky voice whispered, as his lips left hers to trail down the column of her throat. "Remember how good it was.”

My other books include, This Can’t Be Love, Wild Wedding Weekend, and A Christmas to Remember.

Debra St. John’s books are available through The Wild Rose Press. She’s the Sunday Blogger at The Acme Authors Link and the Thursday Blogger at Heroines with Hearts.


  1. Be who you are, write with your voice, and you'll be an original. Lovely post. Great excerpt.

  2. Nice post, Debra. The book is enticing. Good luck!

  3. Debra,
    Love your books. Already a fan! Keep writing from your heart!

  4. Hello to the Lovely Roses of Prose,

    Thanks so much for having me here today.

    Vonnie, Glad you enjoyed the excerpt.

    Brenda, Enticing is always good!

    Jerri, I'm honored to have you as a fan! I definitely do write from my heart.

  5. Hi Debra,
    Wonderful post! Your thoughts about writing completely mirror my own. Every now and then I get a niggling little wish that I could come up with the next big trend-setting concept, but I just don't think it's going to happen. I have to write my own stories my own way.

  6. Really wonderful advice. Been there, felt that (insert wry grin here) and came to same conclusion. If I can't write what I want to write, then its not worth the time. Write on!

  7. Who knows, maybe the stories from our hearts will BE the next big trend! And, I absolutely love your new cover.

  8. Great post, Debra, and I so agree that we must write the stories that we love to write. Yes, it would be good to be in the NYT bestseller list (or ANY bestseller list!), but, like you, I'm happy to be writing books, having them published, and - most importantly - people enjoying my stories.

  9. I really enjoyed this blog. I will have to be content with accomplishing something I never dared to dream about - being published. period. That's huge enough for me. :)
    If we could only figure out what the next super trend will be, well, we'd have to be claravoyant. Pride and Predjudice and Zombies? done!
    Abe Lincoln as a vampire? done.
    Your blurb sounds great, and there is so much story packed in for a rosebud. Wow. I love reunion stories and all the juicy baggage they bring with them.
    Best wishes for great success.

  10. Hi Alison, I tried writing a story for a series my publisher had coming out, but the story just wasn't me and I hard a hard time with it. I didn't get very far. It just wasn't me.

    Pauline, Time is precious, we should write what we love and not waste it on other things!

    Jannine, True. You never know what will catch on. I'm very spoiled by TWRP cover-wise. They are all just fabulous.

    Paula, Yep! Holding one of my own books in my hands...or having that package arrive onm y doorstep knowing it's full of books I wrote...well, there's nothing like it!

  11. Hi Lynn, Thanks for the wishes. Yes, being published period is a dream come true. I am definitely satisfied with that.

  12. I'm with you, Debra! I write books that I would like to read, but don't follow trends. In fact, I think most of my romances aren't in the popular catagory that the big publishers are looking for right now. I may eventually come up with something that stands out, but right now, I'm satisfied to be published and having books out there for readers to enjoy.

    More money would be nice though. lol

    Best of luck with your books! And most of all, keep enjoying what you're doing.

  13. Hi Susan,

    You hit the nail on the head, too. I do tend to write what I like to read.

  14. Debra, I totally agree with you about following your dreams and not worrying about being the next big thing. Write what you love and the rest will follow.

  15. I'm working on the book of my heart. It's not typical, so I feel I have to make it perfect so it will get accepted. I've even toyed with the name for a new genre.

  16. Jennifer, It's always such a pleasure to find that others enjoy sotires I've written that have come from the heart.

    Ana, I'm so impressed! Naming a new genre would definitely put you at the forefront of something great!

  17. Ladies,

    Thanks so much for having me here today! I've enjoyed getting to know everyone who commented.
