
Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The Things (or people) I'm Thankful For

Thanksgiving is right around the corner, and I've realized I'm in no way prepared for it this year. My house still needs to be cleaned, I haven't yet bought a bird, and I'm not entirely certain where my tablecloth is.

But in recent days, despite the constant hecticness, I've been made aware of the fact that even though we aren't ready to celebrate formally, I'm particularly thankful for some very special people and some rather ordinary things.

There's a father-daughter duo who bring my hay, rain or shine, mud or no mud, and without them, my horses wouldn't eat. They've even shown up in a pinch now and then, and are the friendliest people. True, our relationship is a business arrangement more than anything, but I'm grateful that it is the both of them I work with. I enjoy them, even when we're unwrapping bales in freezing cold rain.

My boss... yes, I have a part time day job. But my boss is a god-send on many levels. He is so encouraging and supportive of my writing. If I need time off to catch up on a deadline, it's not a problem. If I need to gush about some recent news in my writing career, he listens. He even asks questions! If I worked for anyone else, or had to report to a corporate environment, I would never meet the time constraints I have.

All writers have a vast network of writerly friends who help them. You'll find my acknowledgements in every book and I try to thank them as publically as I can. Dyann Love Barr has been... there just aren't words. And the same goes for my family.

I'm thankful this year, for the new washer and dryer so I can now do laundry at home and not have to lug baskets around.

I'm thankful for my dogs, cats, horses, pigeon and the two little mice I saved from the cat. They bring me joy and make me smile. Even if all they're doing is hiding under the torn-up cotton balls I put in their cage. Or the cat is sitting on the cage waiting for the mice to escape.

With two major releases coming in January (Immortal Hope as Claire Ashgrove and Stripped as Tori St. Claire), I've done a lot of reflecting on my writing career. My agent is an angel, my editors too. But I've met so many talented writers -- and learned from them as well. Little lessons I can't necessarily point out, but things that have helped me achieve goals and dreams.

And very recently I'm extremely thankful for the little computer store nearby that never hesitates to leap-to... and when my machine blows up unexpectedly, manages to get me up and running within 24 hours, without making me pay through the nose. Amazing people.

There are a lot of people who deserve remarks, who have touched my life in one way or the other. A lot of people who helped me get over hurdles that would have sucked me under if they weren't around.

I would be where I am --wherever that may be-- without them.

What about all of you? Anything that may seem "little" on the surface, but has a large effect?

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!



  1. Sometimes little things can be huge. Simple kindness, community support, the other writers who've touched my life and given me confidence in my talent. If we all pay it foreward, the world will be a happier place! Great post, Claire.

  2. Hi Clare.
    It is amazing how simple acts of kindness and consideration can make such a difference to our lives.



  3. Isn't it wonderful to have such great people in your life? Thanks so much for reminding me.

  4. I don't know why but I just got to thinking after reading your blog that I should have blogged about the first Thanksgiving since I only live a few miles from Plymouth Rock. I always get a kick out of that after studying about the first Thanksgiving in school and then ended up living in the midst of where it actually occurred. Of course I could say I'm thankful for my doggies, but then I've spent the last half an hour running the neighbor after one of them... Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Good luck with your releases, Claire!
