
Friday, November 4, 2011

Things I Like About November

1. Foliage
Nothing says autumn like the reds, oranges, and yellows of changing leaves. The color seems to be a bit muted this year due to some warmer weather, but I’ve caught glimpses of fall’s paint box here and there.

2. Pumpkin pie
Truly one of my favorite fall desserts. I make a pumpkin pie with a streusel topping of cinnamon, brown sugar, maple sugar, maple syrup, butter, and walnuts. Makes the house smell awesome!

3. Walking in crisper air
I try to walk after work every day if it the weather is cooperative. While I’m a summer girl by nature, I do love walking as the sun slips below the horizon and a cooler, twilight breeze pushes me along. My lungs feel more energized with crisp, autumn air filling them.

4. Hot apple cider
Complements a piece of pumpkin pie like it was born to do so. I like it with a real cinnamon stick tossed in.

5. Family time
The holiday spirit grabs a hold of my family during November and we start spending more time together whether it be going to holiday concerts (Tran-Siberian Orchestra is my favorite) or just hanging out.

6. Writing holiday tales
I love writing stories centered around the holidays. There’s always so much emotion at this time of year.

7. Reading holiday tales
I’d like to say I take a break from reading romance during November, but nope. I don’t. I can get totally lost in a good holiday read. I already read one this year that I loved. SWEET INSPIRATION, by Penny Watson. Completely love the idea of reading about the five sons of Santa. I intend to download her next installment, SWEET MAGIK.

8. Thanksgiving rituals
I love to celebrate Thanksgiving with rituals of my own design. A little positive spell-casting, some Tarot card readings, and bonding time with nature help me ring in the season. I like to write poems about what I’m thankful for and offer them up to the Goddess.

9. Crows
I know people use scarecrows to decorate during autumn, but I’d rather attract crows. They are fascinating, intelligent birds, and they always seem to be up to something interesting. I pause to watch them whether it be just one perched on a fence post or a murder of them congregating in a field. 

10. Twilight movies
All of the Twilight movies seem to be released in November. I usually go with a group of women from work because our husbands wouldn’t be caught dead in the theater watching sparkly vampires.

What do you like about November?

In the spirit of giving this November, I’m offering a free book to a lucky person who comments on this post. Tell me what you like about November and be entered to win a free e-copy of IN THE NICK OF TIME, a short holiday read. Visit my website at to see what this tale is about.

ABRA CADAVER, The Wild Rose Press, coming January 2012


  1. Hi Chris,
    Your November sounds very nice.The pumpkin pie sounds yummy.



  2. Love all the things on your list. My other favorite November thing is planting spring bulbs. As the days dim, I love to think of the the next warm season.

  3. I woke up to a beautiful, snowy morning. I love snow in early November because I know it will melt, and I'll get in another week or two of spectacular walks in the woods before strapping on the snowshoes for good.

    Loved your list, Chris.

  4. Hi, Chris -- Great list! I love the autumn foliage too and pumpkin pie with whipped cream :)
    I love Thanksgiving Day and the recipes and cooking leading up to the table of food. I love my family and Black Friday shopping! What a blast!!


  5. Tran-Siberian Orchestra is one of my favorites during the holidays. The other one is the Celtic Woman!

  6. I love the delightful fragrance in the air that is so typically fall...and pumpkin pie and turkey stuffing and gravy...and time spent with family. Lovely post.

  7. Oh, Jerri, TSO is my FAVORITE! I've seen them like 10 times! I'm going to miss it this year because it's the day after Thanksgiving in my state and I'm going to be in another state then. Rats!

  8. Okay, ladies, I tossed your names into a hat (or maybe it was a brown paper bag leftover from the wine I bought yesterday- LOL) and the winner is...Jerri! Shoot me an email and I'll sent you the PDF of In the Nick of Time. Congrats!
