
Sunday, October 9, 2011

I Lived in a Haunted House

Debra and Brenda, sisters
I don’t believe in scary ghosts. I do believe in supernatural occurrences that might seem frightening because we don’t understand them or can’t control them. But as far as Hollywood style-mean, scary ghosts – nah. The ghosts I believe in aren’t scary. Which is why when I moved into a haunted house, I never felt fear. 

I did get irritated when she kept unlocking my back door. The first time it happened, I assumed I’d forgotten to lock it. I usually went out the front door so it seemed a logical conclusion that I’d forgotten to lock the back door before I’d left. And after the second time, I could’ve sworn I’d locked it. From then on, I made a mental note and checked it twice. But often I would come home to an unlocked back door.

She didn’t like metal music. My nephew came to stay with us for a month. When I wasn’t home, he’d crank up the metal. If he stepped outside, she’d change the station. He figured I had a weird radio, but I knew better.

I say ‘she’ because my sister dubbed our ghost, Mary, after my mother-in-law whose house it was before we moved in. When both my in-laws died, we inherited the house. We added two additions to the house – a family room at one end and a large rec room on the back. After my son moved out, my sister moved in for a year and the rec room became her living room. The odd thing about our ghost is that she never ventured into the additions, which added credence to my sister’s belief that she was my mother-in-law. She enjoyed rearranging small items in my sister’s bedroom but never went into her living room. I’d see a shadow in the hall or hear some little noise, but always in the original part of the house.
Rusty in his pumpkin costume

She made herself visible only once. My sister was sitting in her living room, watching television, when a white smoke appeared in the doorway between that room and the bedroom. She hovered there for several moments as if visiting with my sister but wouldn’t enter the added on room. Debra watched and waited, but she eventually just vanished without incident. My youngest nephew, who was six at the time, listened to my sister's story of her ghost encounter. He then patted my sister on the arm and said, “Aunt Debbie, I think that mousse stuff you put on your hair is going to your brain.”

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Look for 5 new books by Brenda between November and January


  1. Hi Brenda,
    I've lived in several places that had incidents, but never anything so ongoing. At least you never felt threatened. Interesting. did it continue after you moved out?

  2. I always wondered but we moved out of state. We didn't know the new owners.

  3. Brenda,
    That's so funny. When we moved into the house we live in now, several strange things happened. Didn't know that it was known as the haunted house in the neighborhood. Didn't bother me a bit. Nothing bad. We'll have to exchange stories some time.

  4. That is funny. Glad you weren't freaked. Would love to hear your stories.

  5. When my dad was little, he lived in a house he swore was haunted. I went to see the old place once, and yeah, could definitely feel something there!


  6. Oh, girls, this big chicken would have been packing boxes the very next day. Poor Calvin would have been giving me his "Let's look at this situation rationally" speech. I'd be rolling my eyes as I'm known to do. But, wait, maybe I could come back as a ghost...hmmm...

  7. I wonder if your father was scared or they lived in harmony, Julianne?

    Vonnie - you crazy chick. I bet some ghosts are tall, dark and handsome. Gotta give them a chance!

  8. I wonder why she unlocked the door? Did you ever try to talk to her? I can see you wandering out of the kitchen with a cup of coffee, "Morning, Mary." Fascinating story!

  9. I can't remember trying to talk to her. If it was my mother-in-law, we used to sit on the back patio and have a glass of wine together when we'd visit. Maybe she'd leave the door unlocked to remind me. Not sure. Plus, it was just the sort of thing she would've gotten a kick out of.

  10. I don't think I'd have been able to make my peace with that many strange occurrences, Brenda. We once lived in a house where my husband's possessions kept disappearing - but only his. It seemed to be mostly tools. He was convinced the cat was selling them to the gypsies.

  11. Very strange, Alison. Do you still have the cat? lol

  12. Brenda, how cute of your nephew. I have lived in places with ghostly events, although we've never lived in a historic home.

  13. Hi Brenda,
    Ooh you are brave. I don't think I would be able to live in a house with ghostly occurrences. Like someone else said. I am too much of a chicken.


