
Thursday, August 4, 2011

Greetings and Salutations

I'm Christine. Most people call me Chris. Don't call me Chrissy. I don't like that. Seriously. Don't.

I write all sorts of things. Romance is my first writing love, although I didn't know right away. I started out writing a middle grade children's novel. I'm a teacher. I know what kids like to read. I figured I could come up with something fun to entertain them, so I wrote my first manuscript. It was about a girl who lived with her sea-faring uncle and met a dragon who took her on an adventure to save a race of aquatic people. I had a ball writing it.

Only one small problem. I was in love with the uncle.

I kept trying to focus on the girl's story, on her goals, motivation, and conflict, but Uncle Wolf just wouldn't let go of my heart. He was a dark-haired, bearded man who loved and cared for his niece. He had a sad tale about falling in love with a mermaid and then never seeing her again. I ached for him to be happy. It got to the point where every time I sat down to write, I ended up only writing scenes for him. I didn't give a crap about the niece, the supposed main character. This wasn't good.

Somewhere in the revision stages of this early manuscript, I realized that I needed to write about characters who fell in love. I didn't have the right writing voice for a children's book. No, I wanted to write about adults who their feelings in a more...cough, cough...ummm...physical manner. I wanted to write about soft caresses and passionate kisses and those moments when saying, "I love you," is the only thing to say.

I wanted to write romance novels.

And I have been. I started with a short novella, The Last Stallion, which won Grand Prize in a contest, and haven't stopped penning happily ever afters since. I've written contemporary, paranormal, historical, and romantic suspense for Whispers Publishing and The Wild Rose Press. I have new titles coming soon from both of these publishers. Speak Easy to Me, a 1920s historical novella, is coming out in late August, and Abra Cadaver, a dark paranormal, is coming soon.

Currently, I'm writing a contemporary romance about a corporate pilot and a graphic designer. I've left them in a sketchy situation right now, but hopefully it'll all work out in the end. We'll see.

When I'm not writing, I like gardening, home improvement projects, reading other people's romance novels (Kristan Higgins is my current favorite!), and exercising. I'm in danger of being labeled the neighborhood's "Crazy Cat Lady," although I'd rather be known as Catwoman. It's much sexier, and I'd get to kick some ass.

I hope you'll join all of the Roses of Prose each day to see what we're up to and what we have to say. You can visit my personal website at and I look forward to chatting with you.

In fact, let's start chatting now.

Topic: What are your favorite romantic movie lines?

Me first! One of my favorites is "I came here tonight because when you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible."  Harry Burns in When Harry Met Sally. I love this movie!

Now you. Go.

Hugs and paper clips,
Chris (not Chrissy. I mean it!)


  1. Love movie lines!!
    Love Casablanca-
    "If that plane leaves the ground and you're not on it, you'll regret it. Maybe not today. Maybe not tomorrow. But soon and for the rest of your life." Just pulls on my heart strings. Aspire to write a story like Casablance.

    But have to say, my all time favorite comes from Gone with the Wind.
    "Frankly, Scarlett, I don't give a damn."
    Did you know that line isn't in the book? My all time favorite book.

  2. Hey, Jerri, you stole my favorite from Casablanca.But another more recent fav love movie for me - Dirty Dancing. "And most of all, I'm scared of walking out of this room and never feeling my whole life, the way I feel when I'm with you." Sounded so much better out of Patrick's mouth.

  3. Hi, Chris -- (NOT CHRISSY, I promise!) It's great to "meet" you. Your books look fabulous and congrats on winning the contest for your novella. I wish you mucho success! :)

  4. Great post, Chris! I love that you fell into romance writing because a character found his way into your heart. That's wonderful.

    My quote, ironically, is also from Casablanca. (I think the Roses of Prose need to all get together and watch the movie!)

    "Of all the gin joints, in all the towns, in all the world, she walks into mine."

    It just sets the tone for the rest of the movie.

  5. I've actually never watched Casablanca all the way through. Isn't that awful?

  6. I'll probably misquote but the line is from Romancing the Stone. He says something about the crocodile dying in his arms and she says, "If I were to die, that's where I'd want to be." It's been a long time since I've seen it but it went something like that. I know it's not a classic like Casablanca, but what can I say? A movie with a romance novelist as the heroine works for me. :)

  7. Oh my gosh, Chris. You have to watch Casablanca from the beginning to end and have a box of Kleenex. I own the movie if you need to borrow!

  8. I loved "Gone With The Wind" and my heart broke when Rhett said, "Frankly Scarlett, I don't give a damn." I still cry when I hear it.

  9. Eden, I just recently watched Romancing the Stone because someone called me Joan Wilder. Truth is, I am a lot like her.

    Brenda, I'm putting it on my to watch list right now!

    Another confession, I've never seen Gone with the Wind either. Guess I'll add that to the list too.

  10. Okay, kind of cheesy, but I loved "You complete me." from Jerry Maguire.

    Isn't it funny how we have to write what we write. My younger daughter says I should write books for pre-teens (she's twelve), but that's a tough one. No life experience to create emotional depth.

    Great getting to know you better, Chris! Oh, I love your Alaska Heart cover. My current WIP takes place in Alaska. Gotta love a state with that much room for adventure!

  11. Last of the Mohicans:
    Daniel Day Lewis (I think his character was Hawkeye?)
    "You stay alive, no matter what occurs! I will find you. No matter how long it takes, no matter how far, I will find you."

    Ahhhhh, what a man! :)

  12. Greetings to another Crazy Cat Lady! Be Proud! Love Casablanca! Loved Last of the Mohicans! Loved Gone With the Wind! (Is there a romance writers' pattern here?) And loved reading about your journey into romance writing!

  13. Hello Chris, thanks for the introduction. Movie quotes don't stick with me, feelings, yes, words, no. Gads, and I write. One more oddity to add to my life. I remember all the quotes mentioned, smile and nod, but none come to my mind. So glad you've migrated from YA/teen to romance. Writing romance is the greatest. Truly.

  14. How about from Princess Bride..."As you wish" for "I love you" from farm boy every time he does as he's bidden?

  15. I'm seeing a trend here, because my fav quote is also from Casablance.
    "I remember everything. The Germans wore grey. You wore blue."
    I liked this so much, it's in my book - According to Plan.
    Some things stay with you.

  16. "You had me at hello." Jerry Maguire
    I saw someone else had a line from that movie as well!

  17. Hi Chris,
    Great blog. I have watched Casablanca several times, great movie. I am not one for remembering lines either in books or movies, I don't know why they never seem to stick in my head for long.

